5 Amazing Modern Interior Design Ideas

A style-savvy decor fanatic can never have enough modern interior design ideas! There is nothing better than giving a room (or entire home!) a fresh new makeover - especially if it only takes small changes to make a big difference. Sometimes a room doesn't require an entire facelift, only a few nips and tucks here and there!
1. Smart Storage is Always Stylish

Modern interior design ideas are all about clean lines, open spaces, and most important: sensibility. One of the most well-loved aspects of contemporary decor is the acceptance that less is more - except when it comes to multi-functional pieces of furniture! Anything with hidden shelves, drawers, or compartments is a smart solution to clutter. Functionality is the top priority here, so get on board with accessories that do more than just look good.
2. Use Mirrors to Reflect the Best

Mirrors have the ability to take existing decor aspects and present them in an entirely new context. Whether you have a beautiful accent wall, an especially attractive plant or piece of furniture, or an outstanding view of the outdoors - let it speak with twice the strength by featuring it in a simple mirror or reflective surface! Glossy tabletops can even be used to showcase textured ceilings or interesting lighting fixtures.
3. Create, Rearrange, and Modify Casual Areas

If you have a living room equipped to comfortably seat ten, but your usual occupancy is restricted to lower numbers, consider swapping out some of that bulky furniture in favor for more floor space. Look instead for stools that can be stored under tables, attractive multi-use floor pillows, or ultra-modern stacking chairs that can be pulled out only when needed. Negative space plays just as important a role as any other modern interior design ideas.
4. Textures Are an Easy Game Changer

Looking for quick and painless modern interior design ideas to add some warmth to an otherwise lifeless area? Does a specific corner look empty despite tasteful decorations? When geometry and balance are not quite enough to add that "wow" factor, consider adding some texture to the equation. Add a raw piece of organic matter like a branch, a simple throw pillow or blanket, or a richly textured knick-knack to either soften or harden a look.
5. Throw a Curve Ball with Patterns

Color is the most popular way to add some spice to a room, but what about some love for patterns? Modern design relies heavily on using geometry and special interaction to create personality, but a bit of the bold has never hurt anyone. Paper the back of a shelf unit, or hang up a stylistic print. Even subtle details can make all of the difference: several small objects can easily be replaced by lovely print - reducing clutter without losing an ounce of personality.
Even moving around furniture or removing furniture and decor can inspire unique modern interior design ideas because nothing gets creativity flowing like a little bit of experimentation. There are never any bad design choices - only temporary ones!





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